I'm thoroughly enjoying this blogging every day thing. I quite like it actually. It's sometimes hard to think of anything even legitimately interesting to say (lets face it, most of what I say probably isn't interesting at all!) but otherwise it's good for me. I bottle up my feelings far too much and it's good to have a place where I can just let it all out without worrying that my brothers may find it hidden underneath my bed. I mean, if they wanted to find this they could but I don't really care. I'm not writing I heart Jensen Ackles all over it, although I should. I'm shattered he's getting married ... I have far too many celebrity crushes though.
I like to think that I'm learning and growing every day even though sometimes it doesn't seem that way. Looking back at this, even though I've been doing it for less than a month I know that it's true; we do learn things every day. It could range from learning to put up with something inevitable or learning a little bit more about yourself. I'm happy to say that I'm growing up and learning every day. Sometimes I look to the future and wish that I could get out of school and just start actually living life but then I realise that I've actually been living it for the past 17 years. I've only got one more year of adult supervision and after that I'm on my own. I'm thankful for all that I've learned in these past 17 years because the lessons I've learned made me who I am and will continue to keep me safe in the future. I hope I never forget that.
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